I started from scratch. I decided to make my own basic slopers so that no matter what style I want it will fit properly. I didn't get rid of my vogue fitting pattern, I still opted for easy, haha. Two or three mock ups had to be made to get it right and I even ended up drafting my own sleeve because the one from the pattern didn't drape right. I don't think my body looks strange, but it sure is particular about how it wants to be clothed.
I made sure everything was a fit by using old sheets to make mock ups. They're pretty aren't they?
I got an acceptable fit for the basic 5 but decided I'd go further with a dress block, some pants, and even a jumpsuit block as well.
I'm sure I'll still have to fiddle and fudge a little more, I've already made adjustments to the bust circle and the pants needed to be roomier. I'll keep working at it as I go, who knows, I may end up drafting all the pieces after all. I'm determined to get this right.
Like any seamstress I have a rack and shelves full of fabrics and remakes. I've made it my goal to sprinkle my fun corset and lingerie making with designs for myself as well. I love vintage designs and quirky styles. I'm in need of some professional attire too. I'm excited to get started.